Monday 16 March 2009

New pictures of Deimos


I thought I'd post this as I am now quite interested in Phobos and Deimos, after doing a talk on them late last year.
Well as I am sure you are aware Mars as 2 tiny moons Phobos and Deimos. Which are almost certainly captured astroids ( A hole different story). Previously there as not been many images of Deimos, due to it's small size 15 kilometers across. Until now!
Recently the Mars reconnaissance orbiter which is really the spy satellite of the martian system,if it was in orbit around earth it would be classed as a spy satellite, because of it's high resolution camera HIRISE. As made several close fly by passes of the moon and, revealed previously unseen detail as seen above using that camera. Personally I wish I had these images when doing my talk!
In the image you can see that Deimos looks quite similar to Phobos having the same brown pink hue, irregular shape and quite heavily cratered surface.
Discovery of moons. The moons were discovered in 1877 by the American Astronomer Asaph hall. The moons were also predicted in several books including Gulliver's travels.
I hope that as informed you if you were interested.


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