Friday, 22 May 2009

Missing link?


I am sorry again for the gap in time since my last post, but I have been quite busy. But thankfully I am now on holiday for a couple of days, so I may be able to produce a few more posts.
Anyway with that apolgetic note out of the way back to the subject of this post.
As I'm sure you may have seen on the news or read in the papers, palaeontologists believe they have at last found the fabled missing link! The missing link in case you don't know is the common ancestor that both apes and humans share. It is the species where Humans and Apes slit from each other and went down there different evolutionary paths, leading to the present day. The missing link is significant because it is final indisputable proof that Charles Darwin's theory of Evolution is correct and, that man did indeed evolve from apes!
But could the fossil above be it?
Of course the media have naturally over blown this story and, of course as far as there concerned THIS IS DEFFINELTY THE MISSING LINK! But really.
The fossil is a 47 million year old primate, discovered in Messel Germany. Officially known as Darwinius masillae, it is the fossil of a Lemur like creature called Ida shows. The fossil has surprisingly Human features. It has opposable thumbs and fingernails instead of the normal primate claws. Scientists also say the cat sized mammals hind legs offer evolutionary evidence that shows how primates adapted to walk on there hind legs, the breakthrough that will finally vindicate Darwin's theory of evolution.
Sadly I am not a palaeontologist and therefore am not very familiar with this branch of science, so I'm sorry that I was unable to provide you with more information. But if your interested a documentary will be airing on the History channel this week, which I for one will be watching.
One thing is certain however there is bound to be a lot more news time given over to this area of science, which obviously must be good.
I'm not sure what my next blog post will be on but I am aiming for something Astronomical

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