Sunday, 24 May 2009

Greatest living Britain?


Well as the title indicates is this the greatest living Englishman. Note I didn't put is this the greatest Englishmen ever, because if I did we almost certainly be lost in a sea of Titans such as Brunel, Babbage, Shakespeare or Queen Victoria. But anyway back to the original point is this the greatest living Britain? Of course I dare say some people may never have even see this guy before and think “Who!”. So to anyone who doesn't know this is the face of Tim Berners-Lee. Berners-Lee is a British computer scientist, credited with the invention of the World Wide Web or internet!
Briefly I will tell some of the story of how he came to invent the web and change the world. Before then returning to to the original question.
So in the early eighties the scientists at the Organisation Européenne pour la Recherche Nucléaire (CERN for short), which is now home to the large Hadron Collider. Were faced with a big problem, all the scientists working on different aspects of physics or Quantum mechanics, had know way of posting there findings and keeping each other up to date. So such was the rapid progress of there field. So to solve this issue they brought in a British computer scientist, a one Tim Burners-Lee. So Tim took a NEXT computer to Switzerland (headquarters of CERN) to sort out the problem. The NEXT computer for anyone interested was developed by Steve Jobs of apple fame and, ran a UNIX-based operating system. That last bit was a little beyond me, as I am quite computer literate yet when it comes to the overly technical side am a bit useless!
So let's return back to Burners-Lee. Now while in Switzerland Tim devised a brilliant way of allowing all the separate scientists machines to talk to each other, and share information without actually being physically connected. In a sort of digital web. To do this he created a “Language” all the machines could understand, called Hyper text transference protocol or HTTP for short. After that he created the first web server that could take all these HTTP files from the varying scientists and, have them stored and then brought up at will by another scientist somewhere else. He called this web server after much deliberating the World Wide Web or WWW. The WWW Became the first ever web browser and in a way the first ever website. Capable of bringing up text from all over the CERN sight and then allowing it to be read by any other CERN scientist somewhere else. Problem solved!
Of course I'm sure you don't need me to tell the rest of the story. Of how the WWW spread from CERN and know connects the Human race like never before.
So I have at least told you how Burners-Lee created the web and how it spread out to the rest of the world. But back to the original question is he the greatest living Britain? Well he sure as hell has my vote! Put it this way I can't think of anyone in living memory who has so changed the way Humans live , for instance without him I wouldn't be typing this now and you wouldn't be reading it! The Internet as allowed us to do things unthinkable a mere century ago. For instance from my desk I can check the stocks in Tokyo, or send information to a colleague in New York without even having to so much as move. The internet as quite literally changed everything!
I personally believe Tim should be much more widely know than he is and should receive WAY more recognition than he does.
So Tim Burners-Lee greatest living Britain? YES

1 comment:

  1. I like this blog and I've always been a fan of Mr Berners-Lee. I remember when the internet was a limited system for academics to share data etc. Ahh, happy days - and as far as I remember, no porn at all!
