Monday, 13 April 2009

Moon Hoax (Not what you think)


I suspect that when you read that title you assumed I had finally gone completely insane and, now believed as some do that man never went to the moon. Let me first assure you that I DO BELIEVE MAN WENT TO THE MOON. The product of this post is going to be on why some people still believe it was all a hoax.
Now as I'm sure you are aware it as been roughly 40 years since man last went to the moon. And at writing 13th April 2009, we have yet to return or get anywhere close to getting back there. We are currently sat in Low earth orbit , with the international space station.
I am going a little of track so back to the moon, Apollo 11 was the first mission to land on the moon. With a crew of Neil Armstrong, Edwin Buzz Aldrin and the one everyone forgets Michael Collins. Buzz and Neil landed in the sea of tranquillity spending, a few hours looking round taking pictures and famously planting the American flag.
The planting of the American flag was the first thing the skeptics jumped on, why was it blowing? The moon doesn't have a breeze they yelled loudly to anyone listening. The thing they neglected to realise was that to stop the flag flopping limply, spoiling the patriotic moment. NASA had attached a Aluminium pole along the top of the flag, to keep it up. However when whichever one (hard to tell in spacesuit) forced the shaft of the flag into the hard Luna rock, He twisted the shaft thus moving the supporting pole around causing the flag to move. And of course with no atmosphere and therefore no drag the flag moved for ages, as if being blown by a breeze. The skeptics also failed to note that when the astronauts moved past the flag, after the vibrations had dissipated there was no movement. As you would expect with the wind on earth.
Much to your relief I am not going to go through every single thing that “ Proves” we never went to the moon. If I did you would be reading this for years! What I am going to write about is why people want to believe they never went. Of course I'm sure the hoaxists will say “We only want you to see the truth.” But why can't they accept we went. The evidence is overwhelming! I do however sort of understand why they think it. If you look back through History you will see next to every great historical achievement, a line of hecklers shouting about how there lying. It surely happened when people crossed the Atlantic to America and, it will doubtless happen when we eventually go to Mars. Every great event as a cause for disbelief.
The one thing I genuinely can't get however is why these people would not want to believe it. Surely it is amazing to everyone to know that humankind as gone to a different world!, in the sixties of all years. A time when computing power was pretty much zero. It must make you proud to be a human, to know that when we put are minds to it we can accomplish incredible things. For instance at the start of the space race 1957, nobody could have possibly imagined we would have men walking on the moon in 12 years.
I think that is a nice way to end this post, following this I am no longer going to attempt to convince these people. As Gene Cernan says “The truth needs no defence”. However I for one can't wait to later this year when the Lunar reconnaissance orbiter goes up. With this probe with it's high res camera, it should be capable of seeing the lunar rovers, accent stages and maybe even the footprints. Which of course will be exciting!

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