In the world today there are many lists. 10o films to see before you die, Ten things to do before you die, top 10 songs, best restaurants and the list goes on and on. But to my knowledge there are no top tens of the best astromical sights. So below is my top ten of the things I love and, hate about Astronomy.
I'll start with the good things
1 Total solar eclipse
2 First view of Saturn through a telescope
3 A good comet
4 Giving Astromical based talks
5 The sky at night ( TV Show)
6 The fantastic pictures
7 New disoveries
8 Going to lectures
9 Seeing the Andromeda Galaxy
10 The moon Landings (Long time ago now)
The things I hate
2 Light polloution (Even in the middle of no where)
3 Skeptics who say we didn't go to the moon!
4 Cold nights observing
5 Wasting my money on a bad telescope
6 People who assume it's just a science/hobby for old men with beards (I don't have a beard!)
7 Exspensive equipment (sadly turns some people away from the subject)
8 Names of constellations and identifiying them (took me ages to learn some of them)
9 Lack of astromical funding in England (compared with NASA)
10 Not returning to the moon......
That is my list, I'm sure you will have different ideas and will disagree with others so leave your lists below. I look forward to reading them.
PS The picture isn't mine courtesy of Internet.
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